Be cool part 2 - Writing the Python Fan control program
So initially we will be using Raspbian and the Python IDLE programming environment. More experienced users will say there are other ways to do this, but if you are learning from the beginning you will understand and develop your knowledge rather than blindly copying and pasting. I have been programming for 40 years in different languages and doing things the right way helps a lot.
will assume that by now you know how to enter the terminal and find
your way around the Raspbian desktop.
is our to do list-
will start on the PI using Raspbian, then we will setup the Python
Python 2 and 3 (because some projects are written for Python 2),
GPIO (general purpose input - output)
apt-get update
apt-get install python
apt-get install python3
apt-get install python-dev python-rpi.gpio
will show you how to make two versions -
Raspian to prove concept and show Python programming.
- OSMC/OpenElec to use in the background when playing media.
course you may not need both versions, that is your choice.
we have tested the program and fan controller hardware, then we will
set the script to run automatically on startup.
is my parts list for the first build
is the prototype and proof of concept as rarely do things ever work
first time. This will work for Raspian or OSMC versions with no
hardware changes at all.
Parts needed -
5v Fan (not a PC fan) with mounting screws to suit your Raspberry PI
and its case
the other components are taken from an Electronics Starter kit - of
course you may have other components that you can use, but this is
aimed at novices.
Prototyping breadboard - this is so you can push wires in rather than
NPN transistor ideally a BC337 or BC338, (I used a BC547 from the kit
as substitute initially but it is underrated @100mA, it should be at
least 200mA).
1K ohm resistor [brown black red]
wires with male and female pins (from the rainbow wires above)
wires to extend the fan connector (from the packet below the rainbow
you want an LED you will also need these.
advise beginners to do this and leave the fan disconnected until you
know it all works. There is less chance of damage driving an LED
through a resistor.
100 ohm resistor [brown black brown]
Green LED, I chose green but its colour is not that important.
we need to do is use the PI GPIO pin to supply a 3.3v Logic 1, a
small current to switch on a transistor which will amplify the tiny
current (2.7mA here) and use that to turn on the transistor which can
supply around 200mA to the fan at 5v.
Diagram - remember
this shows the electrical connections, not the physical layout though
they can be similar for clarity.
(yes LED1 does connect to R2 if you want it to work, if you do not want
an LED leave out LED1 and R2 or remove them after testing)
can put resistors in either way round, all other components must be
oriented as shown, especially the flat on transistor Q1.
The suggested breadboard layout |
First identify which way the connections go on your breadboard, most have lines one way around the outside, and the opposite way in the central area. We just need an area where they go one way.
Note orientation of strips |
before we write the program a quick test will happen when you power
up the PI, the LED will light and the fan should spin (if connected)
for about a second as the rainbow screen is shown. You may get a
second burst when Raspbian starts. This is the PI resetting it's GPIO
ports (in hardware, then software) and it tells us that the circuit
is likely working. It should then shut off. If the fan does not shut
off or LED go out after a second or two, there is a problem. Switch
off and check everything.
Transistor Q1 may get warm/hot when the fan is on, this is normal but if it smells of frying silicon there is a problem! (It is a very distinctive smell.) Don't forget, the Power Supply can provide 2.5 Amps to the path of least resistance, if there is a short circuit, that is where it'll go. Even 5v @2.5amps can do real damage!
We have lift off! |
Stripboard from Maplin £7 |
neat is that?